Obama Returns To Kenya; Will He Bring His Golf Clubs? Dear Friends, This week, Obama announced plans to visit Kenya, and Kenyan leaders don't seem overly pleased. Following his rainbow White House stunt, leaders in Kenya are telling him that if he brings his "gay agenda" to them, they will tell him to "shut up and go home." If you want to understand why Kenyans are revolted by Obama's gay agenda, you can read more in my 2008 book, The Enemy at Home. Let's hope that while Obama is in Kenya, he doesn't once again visit his father's grave and have a vision. Who knows what new, crackpot scheme might come out of that seance? After all, the last one produced this gem of a quote: "It was into my father's image...that I packed all the attributes I sought in myself." Here are the relevant clips from my 2016 film:  Last Sunday, the New York Times Magazine published a profile of me in which I discuss confinement and the criminal justice system. My response to the interview? "It is always exhilarating to be shot at without result." Click here to read the profile. Unlike white-collar prisons, the confinement center that I was in has the full gamut of criminals—armed robbers, rapists, murderers, and I'm glad to be out! Last weekend, I hung out with family and celebrated not only America's independence, but also my own independence!  Today, I'm speaking more about the topic of being a political prisoner in America at FreedomFest in Las Vegas. I've spent the last few days meeting with the media at FreedomFest and speaking more about my upcoming books and movies. I'm excited to share some of the interviews with you over the course of the next week! Tomorrow, I'm speaking on "God's Purpose For America" with Tim Tebow in Nashville! Due to technical complications at the venue, we will be unable to livestream the talk to you, but I'm excited to share some highlights with you afterward. Have a great weekend! Sincerely,  Dinesh D'Souza |
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