Breitbart: D'Souza reveals what Hitler learned from the Democrats The notion that Hitler learned anything—anything at all—from the Democratic Party here in the U.S. seems, on the face of it, surprising if not incredible. In reality, Hitler learned a great deal from the Democrats and from American progressives. He got some of his core policy strategies from them. Moreover, progressives of the time recognized their influence on Hitler and were proud of that fact. Why, then, haven't we previously heard a word about this? Why isn't it mentioned in any of the history textbooks? How come no one in the media ever talks about this? Movies and documentaries about Hitler are notably silent on the topic. The reason, of course, is that we are victims of the big lie. The big lie, as Hitler himself once noted, is a lie so big that it is difficult to get one's head around it. People are accustomed to small lies, which is why they can detect them. This, however, is a lie so big that it doesn't merely conceal the close connection between Hitler and the left; it also pretends that Hitler was a "right winger" and that his true American descendants are Trump and the Republican Party.  Big lies don't just require gullible people; they also require powerful cultural institutions like academia, Hollywood, and the media to help sustain them. Progressive Democrats dominate these institutions, which is why they have been able to get away with a big lie like this one. They have not merely covered their tracks; they have virtually foisted the fascist label on the political right. The real fascists, however, knew that they were on the political left. Mussolini—the original fascist leader, who came to power a decade before Hitler—was a Marxist who saw fascism as the most effective way to implement socialism. Hitler was so committed to socialism that he changed the name of the German Workers Party to the National Socialist German Workers Party. As historian Anthony James Gregor points out, all the original founders of fascism—in Italy, in Germany, in England and in France—were socialists and leftists. So what did Hitler learn from the Democratic Party and from his fellow leftists in America? Click here to keep reading and find out. KEEP READING NOW This cozy relationship between the Nazis and progressives is the disgraceful legacy of the American Left. Scholars and media pundits who know this history are deeply frightened by it. They realize that if young people discover it, if it comes to become widely known, then the whole progressive Democratic project will be discredited. No longer will progressives be able to pose as the part of the good, the true and the beautiful; on the contrary, they will be exposed as a partly complicit in racism, mass murder and genocide. Dinesh D'Souza wrote The Big Lie to explode the big lie of the Democrats once and for all. Click here to order your copy today! ORDER "THE BIG LIE" |
Well, well. I see Peninsula Tea Party admin is afraid of the truth because they continue to delete my comments that lay waste to the bullshit on their website.
ReplyDeleteInstead of reading a book by convicted felon and world class bullshit artist D'Souza, try reading books that deal in facts.
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century, by Timothy Snyder
Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right, by Jane Mayer
RATF**KED: The True Story Behind the Secret Plan to Steal America’s Democracy, by David Daley
Give Us the Ballot: The Modern Struggle for Voting Rights in America, Ari Berman
The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science — and Reality, Chris Mooney.
It’s Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided with the New Politics of Extremism, Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein.
Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer — and Turned Its Back On The Middle Class, Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson.
The Race for What’s Left: The Global Scramble for the World’s Last Resources, Michale T. Klare.
The Radical Center: The Future of American Politics, Ted Halstead and Michael Lind.
The Assault on Reason, Al Gore.
God’s Politics: Why the Right Gets it Wrong and the Left Doesn’t Get It, Jim Wallis.
The Republican Noise Machine: Right-Wing Media and How It Corrupts Democracy, David Brock.
Wrapped in the Flag: A Personal History of America’s Radical Right, Claire Conner.
JESUSCHRIST -- what a dump!!!
ReplyDeleteThis website is registered to Robert Alexander, 615 Cary's Chapel Road, Yorktown, VA.
Check out that address on Google Earth.
The place is a DUMP -- several old VW's rusting away in the driveway, no sign of upkeep. Typical Tea Party mouth-breathing knuckle-dragger.