Friend, The neo-Nazi, alt-right and white supremacy movements that terrorized Charlottesville betray our nation’s most fundamental values: the timeless ideas of liberty and equality. These repugnant ideologies and their reprehensible followers stole the lives of Heather Heyer, Lt. H. Jay Cullen and Trooper-Pilot Berke M.M. Bates — all innocent Americans. We wholeheartedly denounce racism and bigotry today and every day, and call on all leaders to do the same. Our full statement is below, via the Stand Up Republic blog. Sincerely, Evan and Mindy
Statement Regarding the Violent White Supremacist Protests in Charlottesville, Va.WASHINGTON — Evan McMullin and Mindy Finn, co-founders of Stand Up Republic, issued the following statement in response to neo-Nazi and white supremacist agitation and violence in Charlottesville, Va.: After two days of violent white supremacist protests in Charlottesville escalated to the point of terrorism and fatality, now is the time for principled American leaders to stand up and speak against the neo-Nazi, alt-right, and white nationalist movements. We must call for the liberty and equality of all, not only after tragedy shocks our conscience, but as a regular part of our labor on behalf of the American people and our Nation. With liberty, equality is the foundational cause of the United States of America, and it must be the same for all leaders and citizens. Leaders especially have a patriotic and moral obligation to speak out against the hatred and bigotry expressed in Charlottesville. Those who fail to clearly condemn these hateful ideas do a deep disservice to our Nation and the world by allowing them to proliferate. History has judged harshly those who enable white supremacism and Nazism, but not before too many have suffered oppression and violence. Our leaders and we must also answer our words of condemnation with action. While white supremacists reject our most fundamental values, we must fight daily for liberty and the bedrock truth that all men and women are created equal. By blaming “many sides” in Charlottesville, President Trump failed a fundamental test of leadership. There are not “many sides.” There are neo-Nazi white supremacists practicing nationalist hatred, and there is America. He knows their names, and he should condemn their leaders, their ideas, and their movement, even though many are prominent, vocal supporters of his Presidency. Many in this pernicious movement take comfort that senior members of the Trump administration are said to be their allies. Trump’s neutrality is a practical endorsement of their evil and enables its harmful effects. Anyone marching with a Nazi flag, or espousing the ideas of “blood and soil” or “white nationalism” dishonors the sacrifices of Americans who have died to protect our Country’s most basic ideas. From those who have died in battle, to those who sacrificed for civil rights, the next fight is happening now and demands that every American leader and citizen take the side of liberty and equality in America. Only through such commitment can we realize our brightest, American future.

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