Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tune in Tonight with the Heritage Foundation

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Dear Patriots,

Tonight, our friends from The Heritage Foundation are hosting a Presidential Debate on National Security and Foreign Policy. While these topics don't directly fall within our 3 core values of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets, we thought you would like to know about it so that you can tune in. 

Also, check out this week's legislative update by clicking here.

Join Our Online Debate Watch Party!
for the 2012 Presidential Debate on Foreign Policy and National Security
co-hosted by The Heritage Foundation, CNN and the American Enterprise Institute
Tuesday, November 22, 2011 in Washington, D.C.

RSVP to Join the Conversation Online: Starting at 8:00 p.m. ET Tuesday, November 22, you'll be able to join the conversation online with Heritage and supplement live TV coverage on CNN, CNN International and CNN en Español. At Foundry.org/Debate you'll have access to Heritage's expert commentary and notes from our behind-the-scenes participation at DAR Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C.

RSVP to Host a Debate Watch Party: Gather friends and family at your house to watch the debate, airing live nationally at 8:00 p.m. on CNN and CNN en Español, and worldwide on CNN International, CNN Radio and CNN.com. Hosting or attending a Debate Watch Party is one way to gather with those who share your conservative principles and pre-Thanksgiving cheer as candidates for Commander-in-Chief discuss how they would defend America and provide for the common defense. If you would like to host a Debate Watch Party,click here to RSVP and receive a Heritage Debate Watch Party Kit, including Issues 2012, a new Heritage resource being provided to campaigns. 

Other ways to join the Heritage Online Debate Party:

The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation
Tea Party Patriots, Inc. operates as a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.
Copyright © Tea Party Patriots, Inc. 2011
Tea Party Patriots
1025 Rose Creek Drive | Ste 620-322 | Woodstock, GA  30189
Support: 404-593-0877

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sequestration in Perspective: Debt Without and With Sequestration | Mercatus

Sequestration in Perspective: Debt Without and With Sequestration | Mercatus:

'via Blog this'

Stand up to the Super Committee

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Dear Patriot,

Forget what you’ve read online or in the papers.  The Congressional Super-Committee hasn’t failed.  It hasn’t succeeded either.
The real story is that it is just business as usual in Washington.  The politicians are still spending more and more and aren’t interested in cutting down the size of government.  This Super Committee nonsense is just a gimmick to make Americans think Congress is actually trying to rein in spending.
But nothing could be further from the truth.   So, We the People need to continue to hold the politicians’ feet to the fire.
And please contact each member of the Super Committee.  Tell them to get serious about cutting government!
As you read this, members of this Super Committee are still trying to cut a “bipartisan” deal that will allow the politicians to keep spending.
They are using budget gimmicks like pretending they are cutting spending when they are actually raising it.
They are considering hiking taxes while calling these job-killing measures “revenue enhancements.”
And they are even seriously contemplating not cutting any spending at all and ignoring the “required” cuts that both Obama and the Republicans agreed to last summer!
We the People demand REAL cuts and no tax hikes.  And we demand them NOW!
This Super Committee is a complete disaster.   
The politicians can’t even agree to cut a tiny fraction of the growth in government spending.  So members of the Tea Party movement must make our voices heard.
Our nation is at a crossroads.  If we don’t cut spending now, our economy may be doomed.  Each dollar that the federal government takes out the economy and wastes on bureaucracy costs us dearly.  It kills jobs and undermines economic growth. 
That’s why this terrible economic depression keeps going.  America will never recover if the federal government keeps spending.
Please make an urgent contribution to Tea Party Patriots right away.  And tell the members of the Super Committee to make REAL and DEEP cuts without raising taxes!
Thank you so much for your help!

Jenny Beth Martin
Co-Founder and National Coordinator

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If you haven't seen the Tea Party Movie, Order Your Copy Today!  If your friends need a lesson on the Tea Party Movement, Order Them A Copy Today!
Tea Party Patriots, Inc. operates as a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.
Copyright © Tea Party Patriots, Inc. 2011
Tea Party Patriots
1025 Rose Creek Drive | Ste 620-322 | Woodstock, GA  30189
Support: 404-593-0877

Local Coordinator: Weekly Webinar and Updates - November 21, 2011 at 9pm EDT

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Weekly Webinar | Tonight 11.21.11 | 9pm EDT

In this update:
Local Coordinator Webinar Tonight at 9pm EDT
Instructions for Logging into Local Coordinator Webinar and Chatzy
Local Coordinators:

There is a webinar tonight. We will begin at 9pm EDT. If this is your first time on the call, please see the instructions below. You will have to register and be online (at a computer) in order to participate in the call.

Webinar Password: patriotswatch
Chatzy Password: redbarn (see below for further instructions)

Webinar Information:
  1. Guest Speaker – James Carafano – The Heritage Foundation – Defense Spending
  2. Legislative Update – Keli Carender
  3. Supreme Court Rally and Vote
  4. Vote: Elena Kagan - Should she recuse herself?
  5. Webinar Schedule: Sundays or Mondays? Discussion... you decide.
  6. Conservative Leadership Summit
  7. Questions, Comments, Feedback

Talk to you soon!

Jenny Beth

Tea Party Patriots, National Coordinator

The best way to reach me is to email jennybeth@teapartypatriots.org with Local Coordinator in the subject line or text message: 770-878-1550.


Register here: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/271141385 
Password: patriotswatch



Access: http://www.chatzy.com/tpp 

Password: redbarn


Chatzy Instructions:

  1. Register: If you haven't registered for Chatzy you will have to do that first. You must enter your email address for registration. After you complete the registration form you will receive an email from Chatzy that contains your password. Remember this password.
  2. Login: Go to http://www.chatzy.com/tpp. The first screen requires you to enter your email address and the password that was assigned to you at registration. If you don't remember the password, click "forgot password" and it will send a new password. On the second page you need to enter your alias and the password assigned by Tea Party Patriots for the chat. This password is found above in this email.
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We have our weekly Nationwide Leadership Council Call Mondays at 9:00 pm eastern. Use the following link to participate:

 The password to get into the webinar can be found in the "Login Information" section above.

Not sure if you are a member of the Nationwide Leadership Council? 
Are you a local coordinator of a local tea party or 912 groups?  Then you are a member of the Nationwide Leadership Council.

Why do we have these calls each week?
Tea Party Patriots is a grassroots, bottom-up organization. Our best ideas come from thelocal coordinators and grassroots supporters.  Before deciding on a national course of action unless it is extremely time sensitive information, Tea Party Patriots National Coordinators run ideas by the Local Coordinators and Nationwide Leadership Council for refinement and approval.

What happens on the call?  
Generally, in the first 30 minutes the National Coordinators give an update from the national scene, announcements are made, proposed projects are thrown out, and legislative updates are given.  We do our very best to get the announcements out of the way in the very beginning.  Next, we discuss any upcoming projects or ideas.  This is an open discussion and anyone can participate in it and all are encouraged to do so.  Then we open the call for general questions.  You can ask any question here that you need answered.  We also do polls to get your feedback during the call and so you can see what others are thinking as well.

How do I participate?  We use gotowebinar for these calls.  You can listen from your phone or from the speakers on your computer. 
For Go to Webinar:
You need to register for the call by filling out this form: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/271141385

  • After filling out the form, you will receive an email with a link to join the call.
  • Click that link and GotoWebinar will install software on your computer to allow you to join the call.
  • After the software is on your computer, you can do one of 2 things to hear and talk on the call:
    1. You can listen and participate on the call via your computer. You will need speakers and a microphone or a headset that has earphone(s) and a microphone. If you don't have a microphone you can listen on your computer, but you will not be able to participate on the call.
    2. *Recommended for better sound quality: You can click a button that says listen on the phone. When you click that you will receive a phone number, the access code for the call, and a pin. That pin is crucial. Without that pin, you will not be able to unmute yourself on the call.
  • If you can hear the call but cannot figure out how to unmute or how to ask questions using the software, you can email kevin@teapartypatriots.org or jennybeth@teapartypatriots.org.
Tea Party Patriots, Inc. operates as a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.

Copyright © Tea Party Patriots, Inc. 2011
Tea Party Patriots
1025 Rose Creek Drive
Ste 620-322
Woodstock, GA  30189
Support: 404-593-0877

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

instaPoll: Should the Administration approve construction plans of the XL pipeline running from Canada to Texas to create jobs and provide U.S. energy security?

Congressman Randy Forbes

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Last week, the Administration announced that it would delay approval of the TransCanada Corp.'s Keystone XL $7 billion pipeline, which would carry 700,000 barrels of crude oil a day from the tar sands of Alberta, Canada, to refineries in Texas.  Such a large quantity of oil would reduce the United States' dependence on oil from nations that often do not share our nation's interests, such as those in the Middle East and South America.  In response to the Administration's delay, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper met with Chinese President Hu Jintao and announced that Canada is considering the sale of its crude oil in the Asian market.  Such a move, which is in direct response to the Administration's inaction, could hurt the creation of new American jobs and jeopardize future energy security. 

Question of the Week: Should the Administration approve construction plans of the XL pipeline running from Canada to Texas to create jobs and provide U.S. energy security?

(  ) Yes
(  ) No
(  ) I am unsure.
(  ) Other. (Share your thoughts on my blog)

Take the instaPoll here.

Find the results of last week's instaPoll here.


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Countdown: Less than 24 Hours

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Less than 24 Hours

We are now less than 24 hours away from the start of Deal in the District. Have you RSVP'd yet? We are in a critical situation. The Senate hasn't passed a budget in over 900 days, the Super Committee is set to release their deficit reduction plan next week, and we are expecting more of the same. Budget gimmicks that allow them to claim spending cuts will not cut it, we are demanding REAL CUTS in spending. This is the time to show up. Tell your family and your friends the time to stand up for America is now. For details of the activities and materials for tomorrow, see the information below.
No more gimmicks. No more lies.
Make REAL CUTS and prioritize.
Still need the details? Here you go. 
(Click here for more information)

  • Date: Thursday, November 17, 2011.
  • Time: 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. (in your local time zone).
    Note: Please visit the office at any time on Thursday if you can’t go at noon.
  • Location: Your local Representative’s office. (Click here to find yours)
You're in? Here are the steps you need to take.
  1. RSVP here.
  2. Send this Deal in the District page to your members, friends, neighbors, family, etc. 
  3. Learn about what REAL CUTS look like here, before you visit your Congressman. There are materials and resources on this page that you can download and print out.
  4. Spread the word about this event on Facebook and Twitter. Use the hashtag #realcuts if you are tweeting about the event.
Don't Forget...
  • We want REAL spending cuts. No more gimmicks, no more lies. Make REAL CUTS and prioritize!
  • Increasing spending more slowly than someone else is still increasing spending.
  • When you increase spending by $5 and then cut $3, you haven’t made a cut. Your total spending is still $2 higher than it was before. This is a gimmick. Stop it. Now.
  • If you say you’re cutting $3, then cut $3. This year. (And in case it’s not clear to your Rep., $3 is an example. A whole lot more than $3 needs to be cut!)
  • All of the so-called cuts passed by Congress always get spread out over ten years, but this Congress has no authority over the next Congress and those cuts from this year can easily be overturned. Therefore, real cuts are cuts that occur within in the same fiscal year.
  • Our country’s national debt has now surpassed our Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Now is the time for real cuts, not fake cuts.
  • We see what is happening to Greece and Italy, and to the Eurozone in general. It is the responsibility of elected officials to make REAL CUTS now.

Be sure to check out our NEW Legislative Update in the sidebar to the right.

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NEW! Tea Party Patriots Coloring Activity Book AVAILABLE NOW! Order Here!

If you haven't seen the Tea Party Movie, Order Your Copy Today!  If your friends need a lesson on the Tea Party Movement, Order Them A Copy Today!
Tea Party Patriots, Inc. operates as a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.
Copyright © Tea Party Patriots, Inc. 2011
Tea Party Patriots
1025 Rose Creek Drive | Ste 620-322 | Woodstock, GA  30189
Support: 404-593-0877