Friday, November 4, 2011

Take Action: Balanced Budget Amendment - Day Two

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Yesterday we asked you to call Representative Paul Ryan to say thank you for standing firm and supporting the strong Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA).1
Take Action Now!
We asked you to call Speaker Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and Rep. Kevin McCarthy to tell them to bring the strong BBA to the floor because we heard they were getting squishy and might bring the weak BBA up for a vote instead.
***Due to the debt ceiling deal, Congress is now required by law to bring a BBA to the floor for a vote. The “weak” version will result in tax increases. The “strong” version offers much stronger protection against tax increases. Our Local Coordinators voted 70%-30% to push for the strong BBA over the weak BBA – but NOT as a TPP endorsement of a BBA in general. Rather, this is an attempt to push House leadership to make a more principled decision since they are bringing a BBA to the floor one way or another.***
Today we are asking you to melt the phone lines in response to a report that tax increases are very much on the table for the Super Committee, which would be the final blow to this flailing and fragile economy.2, 3
“With current levels of taxation already limiting economic growth, we believe that marginal rates must be maintained or lowered and that repeal of any tax credit or deduction be offset with an equal or greater tax cut.” --- RSC letter
Call your own Representative4 and ask them to make a commitment to you that they will advocate against and vote NO on any plan that increases taxes. We need less spending and increased economic growth, not more taxes.
NOTE: If you haven’t yet made the calls listed in the action alert from yesterday, please take a look and do so today if you have time.
Thank you for everything you do in this fight for our country, our freedom, and our liberty. 

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Tea Party Patriots, Inc. operates as a social welfare organization organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.
Copyright © Tea Party Patriots, Inc. 2011
Tea Party Patriots
1025 Rose Creek Drive | Ste 620-322 | Woodstock, GA  30189
Support: 404-593-0877

1 comment:

  1. yes, debt ceiling is a big issue for the USA but to some extent this is okay as at least you can now how much the country can borrow from other countries or how much a person can borrow. But with the news of more taxes to be burden on the citizens, I would the federal govt has got confounded with the economy now. I suggest the govt should look into the internal economies and stop looking at others. The nation must mull over as to how to get out of debt. This is the burning question now for the Obama govt. I got hold of an article recently which nice briefs that. Check this out. . This can help.
