|  | | Dear Virginia,
You should have received an important 2012 strategy memo from RNC Political Director Rick Wiley on Tuesday along with a new campaign video. I hope you've had a chance to read the memo, watch the video and share them both with your friends and family.
Virginia, with just a year left until the critical 2012 presidential elections, the RNC is gearing up for what is certain to be one of the costliest, hardest fought campaigns in our nation's history. As Rick's memo pointed out, momentum is growing to replace Barack Obama's inept, arrogant and failed leadership with a true conservative who will defend the Constitution, rein in government spending and implement pro-growth, job creation policies.
While the path to winning the White House is getting clearer, the steps our Party must take to defeat a President who is perpetually campaigning and raising hundreds of millions of dollars from his leftist allies are just as daunting. When the President is not trampling on the Constitution, spending our government into financial ruin and spreading the wealth to his leftist special interest allies through crony capitalism, he is touring the country hitting up his well-heeled cadre of liberal benefactors who will spend and do whatever it takes to buy Barack Obama another four years in the White House.
As Chairman of the RNC, it's my job to counter Obama's billion dollar war chest and his legion of left-wing activists by building a nationwide grassroots ground operation and ensuring our presidential nominee has the necessary funds to compete with the Fundraiser-in-Chief -- and we must do it now!
Please make an immediate campaign contribution of $10, $15 or $20 to support the RNC's efforts to build the vital ground operation needed to elect a Republican president and GOP candidates up and down the ticket in 2012. As the only national Party committee allowed by law to provide direct financial support to our presidential nominee, your donation is absolutely vital to Republican victory in 2012. As Rick's memo also pointed out, President Obama won't stop campaigning from now until Election Day -- so our Party must work every day to lay the foundation to defeat him 12 months from now. Thank you in advance for your generous support today.
Reince Priebus Chairman, Republican National Committee
P.S. Virginia , America cannot afford another four years of President Obama's failed leadership. To get our economy turned around and our nation pointed in the right direction again, we must elect a Republican president just a year from now who will faithfully adhere to the Constitution and make the tough decisions necessary to cut the cost, size and scope of government. Please make an urgent campaign contribution of $10, $15 or $20 to the RNC to help lay the foundation for Republican victories from the courthouse to the White House. And to help the RNC continue to build our nationwide grassroots ground operation, please also join our GOP Mobile Army today by texting UNITE to 91919. Message and data rates may apply. Thank you. |
Contributions or gifts to the Republican National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Republican National Committee | 310 First Street, S.E. | Washington, D.C. 20003 p: 202.863.8500 | f: 202.863.8820 | e: info@gop.com |
| Paid for by the Republican National Committee. 310 First Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003 (202) 863-8500 - www.GOP.com Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. |
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