|  | | Volume 38 -- November 4, 2011
Welcome to this week's Victory Insider, your weekly round-up of news, views, and information for staying up to speed on recent developments in Washington, the unfolding 2011-2012 election cycle, and GOP efforts to stop the Obama Agenda and return commonsense and responsibility to American government.
Iowa Caucuses: 61 Days
Election Day 2012: 369 Days
In this week's installment:
One-Term Proposition RNC Chairman Reince Priebus makes clear that no matter how his Administration and campaign spins it, the 2012 election is a referendum on President Obama's failed leadership. (Reince Priebus, "Hope and Change for the Worse," Politico, 11/1/11)
Rocky Mountain Low "Three years into his first term, 14 million people are still out of work. And what's his solution? More of the same failed policies. The problem isn't just that his policies have not worked; they've made things worse. The reality is that Colorado cannot afford another four years of Barack Obama. (Reince Priebus, "Colorado Can't Wait for Obama to Fix the Economy," Denver Post, 10/27/2011)
Deportation Song and Dance House Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith explains that Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano's claim of deporting a record number of illegal aliens doesn't hold water. (Lamar Smith, "Obama Deportation Numbers a 'Trick,'" Politico, 10/25/2011)
Nanny State "An able-bodied man paid by the government of the United States to lie in a giant crib wetting his diaper week in week out is almost too poignant an emblem of the republic at twilight." (Mark Steyn, "Adult Babies: There's Almost Nothing You Can't Get Government to Pay For," National Review, 10/29/2011)
What Else is New? "The watchdog organization PolitiFact.com, which evaluates the veracity of politicians' statements, has tracked 506 specific promises Mr. Obama made during his victorious presidential campaign three years ago and concluded that he has fulfilled 151, or 30 percent." (Dave Boyer, "Watchdog: Obama Stretches Truth on Accomplishments," Washington Times, 10/27/2011)
Yeah, Sure, Whatever Barack Obama proves just as much a hypocrite on taking lobbyists' money as he does on not hiring them... (Chris Stirewalt, "With Lobbyist Donors, Obama Lets Himself Off on a Technicality," Fox News, 10/28/2011)
Big Labor Shakedown "And it underscores the fact that the teachers unions are using OWS to press for higher taxes in order to push more money in the system to subsidize their members' benefits. It has nothing to do with fairness or quality education or 'the children.' They want Albany to keep spending taxpayer money on their members as lavishly as they spend dues revenue on themselves." (Editorial, "Piggies at the Trough," New York Post, 10/31/2011)
What's Wrong in Kansas? "If a private health insurer had engaged in the kind of criminal obstruction that Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius has been tied to in her home state of Kansas, it would be a federal case. Instead, it's a non-story in the Washington press." (Michelle Malkin, "Shredding Kathleen Sebelius: Where There's Obstructionist Smoke, There's Corruption Fire," National Review, 10/28/2011)
"Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" Barack Obama hangs out with his limousine liberal Hollywood friends while they fill his campaign war chest. (Jim Kuhnhenn, "Obama Mingles With the Stars as He Raises Cash," Yahoo News/Associated Press, 10/25/2011)
He Walked Right Into That When Obama's team was looking for a witty slogan, they might've thought twice before picking "We Can't Wait," because we can't wait either! (Sarah Peters, "Republicans Co-opt Obama Twitter Hashtag to Attack Economic Record," The Hill, 10/24/2011)
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