Volume 67 -- May 30, 2012 As we work together to defeat Barack Obama and elect Republican candidates up and down the ticket in November, Victory Insider continues to keep you informed about Campaign 2012 and our Party's fight for commonsense conservative policies in Washington. Thank you again for all you do for the RNC! 2012 ELECTION COUNTDOWN:
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In this week's installment:
Remembering Our Heroes A Memorial Day 2012 Message from RNC Chairman Reince Priebus and Co-Chairman Sharon Day. Keeping America Strong "Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney chose Memorial Day to proclaim to the American people his conviction that the world is a dangerous place, and the United States must remain its most formidable military power." (Sam Youngman, "Romney Tells Vets Dangerous World Demands Powerful Military," Reuters, 5/28/2012) A Steady Hand A successful business leader with first-hand experience of Mitt Romney's free market know-how is confident that he's just the right leader to turn Barack Obama's economic malaise around. (Tom Sternberg, "Staples Founder: Romney Will Clean Up Obama's Economic Mess," Fox News, 5/22/2012) "Taxmageddon" "A new government study released Tuesday says that allowing Bush-era tax cuts to expire and a scheduled round of automatic spending cuts to take effect would probably throw the economy into a recession." ("CBO Says US Likely to Fall Off 'Fiscal Cliff' if Bush-Era Tax Cuts Allowed to Expire," AP/Fox News, 5/22/2012) Nightmare Scenario "From ObamaCare, excessive spending, increased debt and lack of effort on reforming entitlement programs, to flawed policies on taxes and energy, this administration's efforts have hurt our economy, stifled job creation, and taken away many of the freedoms and characteristics that have made America great." (Pete du Pont, "Four More Years? If You Think the First Obama Term Has Been Bad, Just Wait," Wall Street Journal, 5/28/2012) The Many Faces of Obama "Is Barack Obama not a metaphor for much of anything other than the fact that it is harder to be president of the United States than to be at Harvard or Chicago Law School, the Illinois legislature or the U.S. Senate, where everyone declared that you did everything by doing not much at all?" (Victor Davis Hanson, "Two, Three, Many Obamas," National Review, 5/29/2012) How Embarrassing A week after Barack Obama lost over 40% of West Virginia primary votes to an incarcerated felon, large numbers of Arkansas and Kentucky Democrats choose perennial candidate, "uncommitted" over their incumbent president. (Josh Lederman & Emily Goodin, "4 in 10 Democrats Desert Obama in Arkansas, Kentucky Primaries," The Hill, 5/22/2012) A Break From Biden "Vice President Biden, who has been increasingly prone to gaffes and veering off message as of late, is taking the week off. Biden will be at home in Wilmington, Delaware for the rest of the week. He needs the rest. While always prone to saying the wrong thing, Biden in recent weeks has been on a roll." (Keith Koffler, "Gaffing Biden Heads Out On Vacation," White House Dossier, 5/29/2012) "Bruising Ad" Conservative Byte takes notice of the Romney Campaign's devastating new takedown of Barack Obama and his "crony capitalism" efforts on behalf of failed alternative energy firm Solyndra. ("Bruising Romney Ad Hits Obama Over Solyndra," Conservative Byte, 5/29/2012) Join The GOP Social Victory Center! Have you and your friends become active in the GOP's Social Victory Center yet? It is a Facebook app that allows you to get involved like never before. Whether you are looking to access the latest news, volunteer at your local Victory Center or sign-up for events in your area, it is one-stop shopping like never before. Just click HERE to get started. RNC on the Go: If you haven't already, please take a moment to sign up to follow us on Facebook. You can also follow Chairman Priebus's Twitter feed @Reince or check out his fan page on Facebook! Weekly Republican Video Address: In this week's address, Rep. Lynn Jenkins discusses The House Republican Plan for America's Job Creators and our all-of-the-above approach to domestic energy production. This past week, members of the House Energy Action Team (HEAT) toured energy sites across the country including oil rigs, fracking areas, and a pipeline factory to highlight our own resources. We must work with local energy producers to expand production and create jobs to help ease the pain at the pump.