Volume 64 -- May 8, 2012 As we work together to defeat Barack Obama and elect Republican candidates up and down the ticket in November, Victory Insider continues to keep you informed about Campaign 2012 and our Party's fight for commonsense conservative policies in Washington. Thank you again for all you do for the RNC! RNC Chairman Reince Priebus 2012 ELECTION COUNTDOWN: Election Day: 182
| FOLLOW US  | In this week's installment: Hype & Blame National Review's Jim Geraghty points out the effectiveness of our new Barack Obama "Hype & Blame" video, saying "The RNC goes back to the footage of Obama on the campaign trail in 2008 and just tears apart his record." (Jim Geraghty, "RNC: We've Gone From 'Hope & Change' to 'Hype & Blame,'" National Review, 5/4/2012)
Chicago-Style Campaign Thuggery "Obama talks a good game on transparency and openness, but he's ready to flout the law by avoiding AVS [Address Verification System] and to break his high-minded campaign promises." (Michael Barone, "Obama's Chicago Politics: Thuggery Not Civility," Real Clear Politics, 5/3/2012)
Obama the Divider Barack Obama attempts to cash in on the tired rhetoric of class warfare and identity politics to frighten and divide Americans for his own electoral benefit. (Charles Krauthammer, "Divider-in-Chief: To the President, We Are All Just Sects With Quarrels to Be Exploited for Political Gain," National Review, 5/3/2012)
Obama's Job Spin "For the second straight month, President Obama is spinning pathetically weak job data as 'good news.' Who is he kidding? The economy added a measly 115,000 jobs in April. At that poky rate, we wouldn't fully bounce back from the Great Recession until the presidential election in 2016." (Editorial, "President Obama is Fooling No One with Positive Spin on Limp Job Numbers: Unemployment Edged Down Because 342,000 Quit Looking for Work," New York Daily News, 5/6/2012)
Tax & Redistribution Racket "The nonpartisan Tax Foundation says that this year, U.S. citizens will pay more than $4 trillion in total federal, state and local taxes. That sum 'is $152 billion, or 3.9%, more than they will spend on housing, food, and clothing combined,' says the tax research nonprofit." (Elizabeth MacDonald, "You Pay More in Taxes Than on Housing, Food and Clothing -- Combined," Fox News, 5/4/2012)
SEALs of Disapproval "Serving and former US Navy SEALs have slammed President Barack Obama for taking the credit for killing Osama bin Laden and accused him of using Special Forces operators as 'ammunition' for his re-election campaign." (Toby Harnden, "SEALs Slam Obama for Using Them as 'Ammunition' in Bid to Take Credit for Bin Laden Killing During Election Campaign," Daily Mail, 4/30/2012)
Obama's Ideal Citizen The Obama Campaign's silly identity politics appeal, "The Life of Julia," reveals the cradle-to-grave welfare state dependency Barack Obama envisions for Americans. (Michelle Malkin, "Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be 'Julia': She Embodies Obama's Ideal Citizen, Completely Dependent on the Government," Townhall, 5/4/2012)
How to Stimulate a Recall? "What a scheme. Obama took money from American tax-payers and gave it to union members in Detroit to keep them solidly Democrat. And in Wisconsin, he dispersed hundreds of millions of tax-payer dollars that are now being used to try to remove a sitting Republican governor. Call it what you want. I call it money laundering 101." (A.W.R. Hawkins, "WI Unions Reap Stimulus Money, Use it To Recall Walker," Breitbart, 5/3/2012)
Oppressive Environment The Environmental Protection Agency's Big Government meddling and intrusive over regulation of businesses and development are drawing criticism from even the liberal Washington Post. (Editorial, "The EPA is Earning a Reputation for Abuse," Washington Post, 5/3/2012)
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Weekly Republican Video Address: U.S. Senator Bob Corker, R-Tenn., delivered the Weekly Republican Address today, calling for pro-growth tax reform and a long-term plan to reduce our debt and strengthen Social Security and Medicare for the long haul. |
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