Saturday, September 17, 2016

An important message for our readers

Economy & Markets daily

ECONOMY & MARKETS | September 17, 2016

Dear Subscriber,

I realize you’ve probably got a lot going on this weekend, so I’ll keep this short.

Last month, Chief Investment Strategist Adam O’Dell participated in a live briefing for Dent subscribers.

The response was amazing and hundreds of your fellow readers are already putting Adam’s “Green Zone” profit strategy in place.

In fact, since he revealed these details last month, Adam’s readers have already had the opportunity to bank a 106% gain!

And if you just make the ONE small change he recommends, you can both increase your number of winning trades AND how much you pocket on them, too!

We’re reopening access to this special presentation for a very short time – to accommodate all of our new Dent readers who didn’t have a chance to watch the first time around.

I encourage you to take a couple minutes out of your schedule now and watch it right here, while you can.


Shannon Sands
Publisher, Dent Research
Economy & Markets daily

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