Volume 82 -- September 10, 2012
As we work together to defeat Barack Obama and elect Republican candidates up and down the ticket in November, Victory Insider continues to keep you informed about Campaign 2012 and our Party's fight for commonsense conservative policies in Washington. Thank you again for all you do for the RNC!
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In this week's installment: Obama's Broken Record The RNC is out with a new video "We've Heard It All Before (2012 DNC Edition)" showing how President Obama's Thursday speech at the DNC was no different than what he's been saying the last four years. President Obama offered more of the same and was unable to defend his failed economic record. That's All He's Got? "He gave one of the emptiest speeches I have ever heard on a national stage. Yes, it had cadence, and yes, there were deceptions in it, but that is not what is so striking about it. There was nothing in it. This is a man who believes that government can and should do a lot. There is nothing in here that tells us how he's going to go from today to tomorrow. For any of the so called goals and what government is going to do..." ("Krauthammer On Obama: 'One Of The Emptiest Speeches I Have Ever Heard,'" Real Clear Politics, 9/6/2012) Nice Try, Bubba
Bill Clinton takes his turn at trying to justify the Democrats' never-more-unpopular ObamaCare takeover of our health care by making claims that simply don't hold up. (Neil W. McCabe, "Jim's Blog: Clinton Distorts Figures, Truth in Defense of ObamaCare," Human Events, 9/6/2012) Break Up With Obama The Republican National Committee released a new 30-second ad "The Breakup." It's been four years and it just isn't working. President Obama is just not the person you thought he was. Tell us why you're breaking up with President Obama at BreakUpWithObama.com. Fact Checking the Democrat Convention While the Democrats bragged and blustered at their convention in Charlotte last week, RNC Research was keeping track of the mounting hypocrisy, falsehoods, and outrageous claims made from last Tuesday morning to Thursday night. See for yourself here, here, and here. Government Motors Myths "President Obama's unique contribution was effectively to nationalize the company, seeing to it that the federal government violated normal bankruptcy processes and legal precedent to protect the defective element at the heart of GM's troubles: the financial interests of the UAW." (Editorial, "The Democrats' GM Fiction," National Review, 9/10/2012) True Colors Are you a liberal "mainstream" media journalist who wants to buy some swanky Obama gear but doesn't want your "impartiality" threatened if you're found out? Easy, just use a fake name. (Hunter Walker, "Reporters Using 'Fake Names' to Buy Obama Campaign Merchandise at the DNC," Politicker, 9/6/2012) The Chicago Way Barack Obama's Chicago political machine campaign strategist, David Axelrod, apparently tried to make Gallup an offer they couldn't refuse after their poll results favored Mitt Romney over his boss. ("Emails Suggest Axelrod Leaned on Gallup After Unfavorable Poll," Fox News, 9/6/2012) What Planet Are They On? "TV viewers watching the festive Democratic National Convention would be forgiven for thinking the event was somehow beamed in from a strange alternate reality where the Great Recession was followed by a Go-Go Recovery. Where unemployment wasn't stuck at over 8 percent for 42 straight months. Where GDP wasn't growing at less than half the rate of previous rebounds. Where the national debt hadn't just passed $16 trillion, bigger than the entire US economy." (James Pethokoukis, "'Better Off:' Not in This Reality," New York Post, 9/6/2012) The Incredible Shrinking Party "The liberals who supported Mr. Obama's expansion of the entitlement state are pinning everything on Mr. Obama's re-election, assuming it will cement their big-government gains and allow them to grind back congressional majorities in the future. But contemplate the situation if he loses. Consider a Democratic Party that may hold neither the White House nor Congress, that has disappeared in parts of the country, and that has few future Obama-like stars. Compare that to 2008. This is the party Barack Obama un-built." (Kimberley Strassel, "The Party that Obama Un-Built: Where is the Next Generation of Democrats?" Wall Street Journal, 9/6/2012) Change it Back When Barack Obama ran for the White House in 2008, he said he planned to "fundamentally transform" America. He has definitely given it his best shot -- and it's up to us to turn it around. (Opinion, "Transformers 2: Obama Was Honest When He Said He Wanted to Remake America," Wall Street Journal, 9/6/2012) Join The GOP Social Victory Center! It's not too late!! Have you and your friends become active in the GOP's Social Victory Center yet? It is a Facebook app that allows you to get involved like never before. Whether you are looking to access the latest news, volunteer at your local Victory Center or sign-up for events in your area, it is one-stop shopping like never before
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Weekly Republican Video Address In the Weekly Republican Address, U.S. Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyoming) says, "The undeniable truth is, President Obama is on track to have the worst jobs record of any President since World War II. When the President was hyping his so-called stimulus program, his economic team claimed unemployment would not go above 8 percent... Instead, it's been higher than 8 percent for 43 straight months." |
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