| | Volume 81 - September 4, 2012
As we work together to defeat Barack Obama and elect Republican candidates up and down the ticket in November, Victory Insider continues to keep you informed about Campaign 2012 and our Party's fight for commonsense conservative policies in Washington. Thank you again for all you do for the RNC!
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In this week's installment:
The America We Believe In Mitt Romney accepts the Republican nomination for President at the Republican National Convention and makes the case for why he is the person with the character, integrity and business acumen to lead our economic recovery and get America back to work. (Mitt Romney's Acceptance Speech, Real Clear Politics, 8/30/2012)
Republicans on the Rise Underscoring the success of the Republican National Convention and importance of the RNC spearheading our Party's critical voter registration and GOTV campaigns, more Americans consider themselves Republican now than ever before in the history of The Rasmussen Reports' polling. ("Number of Republicans in America Reaches Record High," Rasmussen Reports, 9/1/2012)
A Crucial Moment for America In accepting the Republican nomination for Vice President, Paul Ryan tells voters the Republican Party "won't duck the tough issues" and shares his and Mitt Romney's commitment to get America's fiscal house in order and save our nation for future generations. (Paul Ryan's Republican National Convention Speech, CBS News, 8/29/2012)
A Better Future for America RNC Chairman Reince Priebus addressed the Republican National Convention last Tuesday, sharing the Party's vision for a better future. He explained why America so urgently needs new leadership and why Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are uniquely qualified to ensure all our children have a shot at the American Dream. (ICYMI: RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Remarks Excerpts From Address at the Republican National Convention, GOP.com, 8/28/12)
You've Been Served "Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Wednesday night electrified the Republican Party with a speech that combined lacerating attacks on President Obama with homespun values and a tribute to GOP candidate Mitt Romney." (Russell Berman, "Ryan Carves Up President Obama," The Hill, 8/29/2012)
Game Changer The addition of conservative stalwart Paul Ryan to the Romney ticket has done nothing but boost Republican hopes of winning back the White House. (Op-Ed, "The Ryan Difference," The Wall Street Journal, 8/30/2012)
Our Next First Lady Ann Romney's speech to the Republican National Convention received high accolades for sharing her unwavering love and deep appreciation for her husband and family. (Editorial, "Ann Romney A Role Model For A Nation," Foster's Daily Democrat, 8/30/2012)
The Right Stuff As our Party winds up a successful convention and prepares for the final stretch of the 2012 elections, we can thank the dynamic leadership and bold policies of our many Republican state governors for laying the groundwork of conservative success stories we must bring to Washington. (Kimberley Strassel, "The Reform Governors Who Led the Way: To Understand Today's Republican Party, Look to the State Houses," Wall Street Journal, 8/27/2012)
ObamaCare Coercion "Mr. Ryan's insight is that health care would work better if patients were controlling their own dollars. His reform accepts the fact that health, disease and treatment are usually complex, individual and unpredictable, not commodities that can and should be reduced to protocols, metrics, algorithms." (Editorial, "Cheesecake Factory Medicine -- Paul Ryan's Critics and the Architects of ObamaCare Reveal Their Real Vision for Health Care: Coercion," Wall Street Journal, 8/28/2012)
Change of Heart Former Democrat Congressman Artur Davis has followed an interesting path -- a 2008 co-chairman for Barack Obama's presidential campaign, alienated by the radicalism and intolerance of the Democrat Party, is now a vocal supporter of Mitt Romney's candidacy. (John Fund, "Artur Davis's Conversion: The Former Democratic Congressman is a Threat to His Old Party," National Review, 8/27/2012)
Bleeding for "Green" "While all eyes were on the Republican National Convention in Tampa and Hurricane Isaac on the Gulf Coast, the White House was quietly jacking up the price of automobiles and putting future drivers at risk." (Michelle Malkin, "CAFE Kills: Mindlessly Imposed Fuel-Efficiency Standards Aren't Just Costly, They're Deadly," National Review, 8/29/2012)
RNC Launches ObamaIsntWorking.com Check out the RNC's new website that reminds voters of President Obama's long record of broken promises and failed policies over the last four years. We've Heard it All Before, Barack If it seems like Barack Obama keeps promising America the same things he did in 2008, it's because that's exactly what he's doing. It's time for new leadership in the White House. It's time to elect Mitt Romney. See our new RNC ad now. Americans Are Not "Bumps in the Road" Barack Obama's excuse for failing to turn America's ailing economy around and spur job growth for hard-working Americans? "There's always going to be bumps on the road to recovery." Mr. President, Americans are not "bumps on the road," and with your ideas recovery is nowhere in sight. Check out the latest video from the RNC and the Romney For President Campaign.
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RNC on the Go: If you haven't already, please take a moment to sign up to follow us on Facebook. You can also follow Chairman Priebus's Twitter feed @Reince or check out his fan page on Facebook! Also, you can call **GOP (that's **467) from your mobile and we'll send you a text to receive exclusive news and updates. Txt & Data Rates May Apply.
Weekly Republican Video Address This week U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise (LA-1) discusses the devastation caused by Hurricane Isaac. Rep. Scalise represents some of the areas hardest hit by Isaac, including St. Tammany and Tangipahoa Parishes. In the address, Congressman Scalise also commends local residents for their selflessness and resilience. These, he notes, are values we honor on Labor Day weekend as we pay tribute to America's workers and rededicate ourselves to addressing the challenges they face in this tough economy.
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