| | Volume 83 -- September 18, 2012 As we work together to defeat Barack Obama and elect Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and Republican candidates up and down the ticket, Victory Insider continues to keep you informed about Campaign 2012 and our Party's fight for commonsense conservative policies in Washington. Thank you again for all you do for the RNC! 2012 ELECTION COUNTDOWN: Follow us today on: Election Day: 49 Days
"The World Needs American Leadership" While campaigning in Virginia, Mitt Romney makes the crystal clear case for reversing America's battered international reputation under Obama by strengthening our economy, increasing American military might, and rebuilding a strong, respected presence in world affairs. (Video, "Romney: 'The World Needs American Leadership,'" Real Clear Politics, 9/13/2012) The Romney Energy Recovery "In the wake of last week's terrible jobs report, Americans can be thankful about at least one thing: in Mitt Romney, they have one candidate for president who gets it, and who will let American energy go to work creating American jobs." (Newt Gingrich, "The Romney Recovery Will Begin With Energy," Human Events, 9/12/2012) Repealing ObamaCare Though the Obama Democrats and the liberal media are doing the best they can to distort Mitt Romney's position on ObamaCare, the candidate himself confirms that the entire disastrous law must be repealed and replaced. (Katie Pavlich, "Romney: We Must Repeal ObamaCare in its Entirety," Townhall, 9/11/2012) Bailing Out Obama? "'We heard that the Federal Reserve is coming with a new bailout,' Ryan said Saturday, to grumbles from the crowd. 'This matters. So the Federal Reserve is basically saying that we don't have a recovery. 'Obamanomics' didn't work.'" (Peter Schoeder, "Rep. Ryan: New Fed Policy a 'Bailout' for Obama Economy," The Hill, 9/15/2012) Media In the Tank for Obama Though the mainstream media outdid themselves with partial, fawning coverage of Barack Obama's campaign in 2008, this time around, their liberal cheerleading for Obama and attacks against Mitt Romney have fallen to new lows. (Editorial, "Campaign Coverage Goes Beyond Biased," Investor's Business Daily, 9/13/2012) Obama AWOL on Terror Attacks Already under fire for neglecting his responsibility as Commander-in-Chief by missing so many intelligence briefings to campaign for re-election, it turns out Barack Obama even failed to attend his daily briefing in the wake of last week's terror attacks on the U.S. embassies in Egypt and Libya. (Guy Benson, "Unreal: On Day Following Libya Assassinations, Obama Skips Another Intel Briefing," Townhall, 9/13/2012) Cutting Off Crony Capitalism Republicans in the House approve legislation to halt the Obama Department of Energy's crony capitalism program that has showered hundreds of millions of taxpayers' dollars on failed "green" energy projects like Solyndra. (Pete Kasperowicz & Ben Geman, "House Approves 'No More Solyndras Act,'" The Hill, 9/14/2012) DNC in NC Not Paying Off in Polls "Mitt Romney has cleared the 50% mark again in the battleground state of North Carolina despite the presence of the Democratic National Convention there little over a week ago." (Poll Result, "Election 2012: North Carolina President -- North Carolina: Romney 51%, Obama 45%," Rasmussen Reports, 9/14/2012) "Obama By The Numbers" The RNC Research Department lays out the very disturbing numbers behind Barack Obama's epic failure to lead America away from economic downturn and crushing spending and debt. (RNC Research, "Obama By The Numbers," GOP.com, 9/12/2012) Worst Job Growth in Decades "August's abysmally weak job growth proved yet again that President Obama's economic policies are a miserable failure that will continue to undermine our country until he leaves office." (Donald Lambro, "Obama On Track to Have Worst Job Record Since World War II: It's Time to Let Him Go," Washington Times, 9/11/2012) Join The GOP Social Victory Center! Have you and your friends become active in the GOP's Social Victory Center yet? It is a Facebook app that allows you to get involved like never before. Whether you are looking to access the latest news, volunteer at your local Victory Center or sign-up for events in your area, it is one-stop shopping like never before. RNC on the Go: If you haven't already, please take a moment to sign up to follow us on Facebook, You can also follow Chairman Priebus's Twitter feed @Reince or check out his fan page on Facebook! Also, you can call **GOP (that's **467) from your mobile and we'll send you a text to receive exclusive news and updates. Message & Data Rates May Apply. Weekly Republican Video Address In this week's address, Congressman Allen West, a Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel, discusses the deadline for the sequester, and the White House's devastating inaction on what was originally their idea. The Republican-led House has proposed responsible replacements to Obama's historically crippling across-the-board cuts to our nation's military. The recent vicious attacks on embassies in the Middle East underscore the need to preserve our military strength. The president and Senate Democrats must put aside partisan politics to work with us to preserve our military and replace the sequester. |
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